Thursday, April 19, 2012

Final post

1 year ago today we saw her face.  One of so many, but there was something unique.  Maybe it was because I felt like I could hear her laughing through the photo, or maybe because I wanted so desperately to find the one God had called us to, I just kept hoping that she was the one.  1 year ago today YuFan had no idea that a family, half way around the world, began loving her.  1 year ago today we had no idea what we were really in for, good or bad.

1 month ago today she, YuFan, became Lyla Elizabeth McNeely.  1 month ago today in the eyes of the world, the law and everything else, she became our daughter, sister, cousin, niece, granddaughter and great-granddaughter.  1 month ago today regardless of blood, skin color or background, she became as our own flesh! 

This journey has produced many favorite songs, one of them being I Refuse, by Josh Wilson that I mentioned in a previous post.  Another was One Less, by Matthew West.  My mother-in-law introduced it to me and it was literally the song that was in my head when I woke up the morning after we said yes to adopting Lyla.  The last song, that I have listened to 1 million times during our wait, is This is Home by Switchfoot.  It's what I have been hoping, praying and waiting for for a year, that Lyla would finally be home.



  1. My auntie heart is just bursting with love for this sweet, little girl!! Thanks for a fabulous video! And thank you for following God's call (even in the hard stuff). Not everyone is called (or agrees) to do this. I'm so glad you and Kevin obeyed! Our family would have totally missed out on knowing and loving this most precious gift! :)

  2. Thank you for allowing people to read and share a little of your special journey. It has been such a joy to read of your experiences. I almost felt as if I was there too. May the Lord continue to bless your very wonderful family!
    Cindy Jones
